Reptilian Shapeshifters

People from around the world have spoken out after witnessing shapeshifting, whilst others have probably kept it to themselves, most likely due to fear of the repercussions of being labelled or dismissed as crazy, which is understandable, but perhaps the consequences of being an outcast and isolated is too much to bear for those who have worked so hard for popularity and influence, for others, their religious dogma may not allow them to acknowledge such events. There are many reasons for the blinkers of general ignorance to stay on within our society, perhaps society isn’t ready to learn and rediscover our forgotten history.

Gandhi once said, “Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth” I agree with this, we are all seeking our own truths from a multitude of limitless perspectives, but with shapeshifting even the mind requires validation after witnessing it, the recognition isn’t needed from others, but it’s nice to know you’re not alone.

Witnesses acknowledge how difficult it can be for others to comprehend this without experiencing it for themselves, by sharing our experiences, and through research and evidence found in antiquities, every little helps to reveal a part of the truth and the history of our civilisation.

Witnessing shapeshifting is extremely difficult for the mind to comprehend, it’s like trying to explain advanced technology with no understanding of how challenging everything we have been conditioned to believe as being true or impossible.

It took a total of six incidents by four individuals before I accepted that shapeshifting isn’t a conspiracy or a myth, and it’s not limited to one race either, in my opinion, witness reports focus entirely on the reptilians, which is understandable, naturally, they can be more aggressive and dominant, and therefore more likely to use shapeshifting to their advantage, and not necessarily with good intentions, but it does contribute to a hidden agenda.

It’s unfair to say all Freemasons are shapeshifters, but I have witnessed a known Freemason shapeshift, by someone I personally knew for eleven years, he did this on three separate occasions, including an additional three people, whose affiliations were unknown to me, if any.

After witnessing the shapeshifting I eventually found the courage to confront and verbalise this to the person “You’re a Reptilian” as an act of validation and affirmation for myself, I knew it would sound crazy to say it aloud for the first time, I expected him to deny this, but to my astonishment his response was, “Yeah, so what” and shrugged his shoulders, offering no explanation for his actions.

His actions were deceptive and I was aware I couldn’t prove his ability to shapeshift, he knew this too, he was also the same person to comment on a separate occasion, “Beautiful, Gorgeous, Anonymity” which is why I decided to confront him, what did I have to lose..?

Historically, shapeshifters would have been considered demigods, but to imply all Freemasons are reptilian shapeshifters is wrong, in my opinion, congregating together would make them an easy target for retaliation, if you dared to.

In ancient history, we worshipped the serpent all around the globe, the Kundalini, Yoga relates this to the “Awakening” of the sleeping serpent located at the base of our spine, and the lower chakras, the reptilians are known to be low-vibrational entities, and connect on these lower chakras when overshadowing a person, contributing to an awakening process. Some people awake through knowledge, I had the displeasure of awakening through suffering. I gained empirical knowledge, and only after my experiences was I able to research my discovered knowledge.

At Magdalen College, which is a constituent of Oxford university there is a statue of a reptilian being overshadowing a human, commonly this would be considered nonsensical, but when your eyes are opened, these nonsensical things begin to make sense, especially if you do your research.

The reptilian is natural to our own existence too, the R-complex of our brain is known as the reptilian brain and serves our natural instincts, fight or flight modes.

Reptilian Statue – Magdalen College, a constituent of the University of Oxford

So what does it mean to be HU-MAN? HU = Form of light, MAN = Manifest, to be Human, is to be a form of light manifested in body, therefore we are light beings having a physical experience within the third dimension, which is a low vibrational and primitive realm, subjected to polarity, meaning, having two opposite or contradictory tendencies, opinions, or aspects, however, there are nine dimensions within in the Matrix.

The human body or vessel is androgynous, our ancestors, The Nummo or Nommo are associated with the “Anunnaki” a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Armenians and Babylonians.

Anunnaki translates, “Those from the Heavens to Earth came” The Nummo were amphibious-reptilians, and capable of self-fertilisation, a trait amongst fish, especially the Stickleback, who can choose to be male, female, or both.

The Nummo’s colours are also associated with the rainbow, this is due to the residue caused by using liquid copper which remained in the sky after ascending in their “Chariots of Fire” as labelled by our primitive ancestors, its coincidence the traditional pride flag of today is a symbolic flag of free love beyond the form represented by rainbow colours.

Example Rainbow Trail

The existence of the Nummo is where the original royal bloodlines descend from, prior to being usurped, and hence the common expression, when referring to royalty, as the “blue blood’s”, their blood is blue due to high concentrates of copper, our blood is red due to iron.

Chemistry of Blood

Their DNA was spliced 80/20 with the native species of this planet, fashioning them in their image, but not likeness (Knowledge), but we were spliced and evolved 11,500 years overnight to become a primitive worker, known as a Lulu, to mine for Gold, which was needed repair their own ozone layer caused by their former wars, and to prevent a mutiny amongst the igigi, the lesser gods, who no longer wanted to bear the toil of mining for Gold.

After the creation of a Lulu or Ad-am, the first recorded civilisation of humanity began, civilising was also the process of softening the manners.

Due to our shared genetics, but primitive spirit, our immortality, the ability to remember all previous lives was limited within our DNA, to protect their own immortality and existence during the time of our evolution.

However, the tools and knowledge were also given to acquire the ability to transcend the mortal coil and remember through enlightenment religions and vibration, which is why we were given the Octave, the basic miracle of music because vibration creates shapes known as sacred geometry, Vibration can also heal and alter DNA, which is why it’s used during meditation too.

The oldest known melody

With that all that said, the first time I witnessed shapeshifting I had zero knowledge, I was with a group of my friends at their home sat on the sofa with a wall to my right when suddenly and without reason, our freemason friend who was sat next to me, turns to me and looks directly into my eyes, just over a nose length, I find myself waiting for him to speak, initially, I don’t see anything obvious, gradually, I begin to notice small scales appearing around his eye sockets, his iris remained human.

Image – Children of the Matrix Book

We remained silent whilst our friends were oblivious to my confrontation as he continues to stare at me, this enables me to take my time to analyse and interpret what I was seeing, however, the lighting was poor and I had consumed alcohol that evening, so I decided this was caused by light, shadows and alcohol, any excuse to retain a practical outlook, I accepted this to be a weird abnormality and I thought no more of it.

Until I was challenged by the same person for the second time, on this occasion it was made a lot harder to dismiss, we were alone, just the two of us in the car as he was driving down the M20, it was a beautiful sunny day and the skies were clear blue, he had invited me out for a day of water skiing, I was looking out of the passenger window to my left when he prompts my attention with a question, so I turn and look at him, when I do, I notice nothing unusual, but gradually his face begins to blur in a transitional and fluid like motion, my eyes can’t focus on what’s happening, I can’t even comprehend what’s evolving in front of me, until finally a solid form emerges again and clarity is restored, but now I’m looking at what can only be described as a hybrid, reptilian form with the same small scales and light olive skin, his nose is now unified with his mouth, he then turns his head to face me and presents a big closed grin.

All this happens whilst he is driving, like he had done it a thousand times before, it was second nature to him, he had all the similarities of a serpent, but his features resembled a likeness of him as a person, which made more sense of his usual features.

Shapeshifting isn’t something you would understand by watching an American werewolf movie, or an unclear Youtube video, it’s much more graceful, it has a natural flow with a soft transition, from my observation, it’s an ability to unlock and transform your DNA structure, perhaps using “tools of the mind”

My personal conflict was trying to understand what I had witnessed, so I remained silent, whilst he continued to look at me, I then turn away to the window on my left, eventually, he speaks again, declaring, “When you’re 30, you’re going to be a millionaire”

I shake my head furiously, no, denying his claims, this was too much for me to accept but I couldn’t escape from a moving car, that would be insane. I was entrapped.

His response to my rejection was, ‘I’m not usually wrong about these things’, who was I to argue!? but I didn’t care to know or want to accept anything he had to say, I just wanted to understand why I had to witness these things, I considered him to be volatile, so instead, I try to reconcile my thoughts, I say to myself, “this confirms it then” reminding myself of the previous incident, I remain silent until we reach our destination, when we arrive, I go and sit alone by the water, this helps to settle my mind and to comprehend what had just happened, whilst I’m sat alone, I hear a gentlemen ask him if I was ok, his response to him was, ‘oh yeah, he’s fine, he’s just seriously serious 

I turn and look towards the concerned skier and acknowledge him, confirming, “I’m ok” at that moment, I realise my friend had malevolent intentions. For the remainder of the day, we keep our discussions to a minimum, the lake, owned by Action Watersports is located in a rural part of Kent, I was forced to share a return journey home. I’m 37 and I’m not a millionaire, nor have I been, proving he wanted to apply further inconceivable ideas to my torment and rational thinking.

On the third and final time, we were again at my friends home, the Harpers, this is where we would all congregate, I was upstairs playing computer games with my school pal until I was called down and asked if I would like to watch a movie, he had just arrived, and as you can imagine our friendship was growing more distant, but naively I considered his request to be an olive branch, reluctantly, I accept his invitation and go downstairs, leaving my school friend upstairs in his bedroom, this time, my school friends sister is searching through her DVD collection with her back facing us, my ex-wife was present too and standing in the doorway to my right.

The Freemason was sitting on the sofa to my left, whilst I stood next to the sofa arm on his right, I didn’t want to sit, but he keeps trying to signal my attention with his hands, stretching his arms up in the air and then out in front of him whilst wiggling his fingers, when he has my attention, he rests his hands on his thighs and starts to tap his fingers, I take the bait and look, it was an early summer’s evening and the lighting in the room was bright, I was sober too, I look at his hands and thinking to myself what the hell is he doing? when the obvious reason occurs, this time, he shapeshifts his hands, just as he did in the car, the scales are the same, but his nails convert by extending, just as you would expect from claw-like features, I considered this to be a threat, the atmosphere soon felt hostile.

My friend’s sister was skipping through some DVDs, she was searching for some of the best clips she had watched at home that week, she decides to play a slasher scene, a scene where a lady gets brutally murdered and slashed down the back multiple times whilst in the lake. The timing couldn’t have been better, the scene was brutal.

The Freemason then randomly asks me a question, if I could have any job in the world, what would it be? My response was to be a movie critique, so he asks what my review would be for that movie scene, I respond, it’s “Insanely grotesque” and considering what I had just witnessed from him, I didn’t want to push his buttons either, so he reassures me with a compliment, that’s the best review I have ever heard. The tension was then neutralised.

That was the last time I ever witnessed him shapeshift, I could live with that, but not the consuming bitterness he had growing inside of him, which was consistently focused towards me.

On another evening, my school pal and I sat on the lounge floor whilst playing guitar hero trying to master the chords, when the Freemason arrived, I wasn’t expecting him, but the home wasn’t mine, it belonged to my friend’s sister and considering they were quite close, I couldn’t object to him visiting. My reasons would have been illogical.

As he enters the living room, his attitude was brutal and vicious from the offset, no hello, nothing, he asks my friend whilst I continue to play, “is that how a cunt plays the guitar!!”

The room goes awkwardly quiet, we all look at each other and ignore his vulgar question, he takes a seat whilst I continue playing, when suddenly, in front of everyone, at least four people including me, he jumps to his feet from the sofa, with his knees bent, arms down by his side and with his middle and index fingers arched, he acts as if he is pulling something up from the floor, he then starts to shout, “Give me the power!” As if the lust for power and dominance had finally consumed him, Now the room is so silent, you could hear a needle drop, it felt so awkward and cringe-worthy, we all look at each other again, we all say nothing and continue as we were, he sits back down, nothing is said.

Unfortunately, there were ongoing professional reasons to remain in contact with him, I was employed by a global PR Company, Next fifteen communications, which the freemason had previously set me up with and without my consent by inviting the CEO and his wife to the 30th birthday party which we held at the honour oak pub for my wife’s masquerade ball, something the CEO later confirmed when placed on the spot by his finance director, who was doubting my claim that I had met the CEO at the party before my offer of employment.

After the party, the CEO was escorted back to his car by a tall black man wearing a white jumper, who was volatile in manner, who decides to approach me outside the pub with the phrase from the movie, Total Recall, “Hey Man, I got five kids to feed” implying his loyalty could be bought, the CEO was voted Silicon Valley’s Power player by the PR Week magazine, which made their association even more absurd.

When confronted by his finance director, the CEO gave a reluctant and trembled response, after being verbally asked three times from across the office, if he knew me, his response was, “He’s a charity case!! “ This was a newsflash moment to me, I wouldn’t wish anyone to experience being a charity case, especially when hearing this from someone I barely knew – what was I involved in!!!?

During this employment, The Freemason also placed me forward as a case study to provide public speaking services for the A4E back-to-work-program, produced by, but he did this prior to obtaining my consent. Instead, I receive a phone call from him “I hope you don’t mind, but I placed you forward as a case study for a government-funded project I am working on which is relevant to your background” I considered the benefits of public recognition for knowing how to achieve goals, and the cause I would be contributing too, “A4e – Improving people’s lives” I was unaware he was a shareholder of Yoodoo, so again, he was working in his own interests, and as an outcome of providing my public speaking, which was unpaid, I was labelled “An unorthodox approach to change” and declared a heretic by those in government.

Whilst I continued to be humiliated and bullied at the workplace, I was also being physically assaulted in public, I just couldn’t handle it anymore, I was under severe pressure, so when the finance director pulled me aside and advised me, “If I want it to stop, go to the doctors” so I did, I then got signed off sick and never returned to the company.

Shortly afterwards I found a contract role at Brewin Dolphin, I also took the opportunity to tell my doctor what I had been experiencing, he said it was hard to believe, but this didn’t make me crazy, however, understandably I was suffering from high-stress and recommended I take medication to relieve me of this.

Then everything stopped, no fires placed on my doorstep as we slept at night, no damage to my car windows, no more assaults, no gang-stalking to and from my place of work, nothing, I was finally left alone to recuperate, but surely this was for the purpose of plausible deniability?

I honestly didn’t care, nobody could understand my experiences anyway, not even my friends, and I didn’t have the family support I needed to fight back, so I soaked it up and had a pleasant time working within my new role. I even managed a Christmas holiday to New York as promised to myself as a child when watching the film Home Alone 2.

After I provided my public speaking services, I gradually cut my ties with the freemason and everyone else associated with him, our paths have crossed once or twice at networking events in London, but after receiving a death threat from him in the pub garden, where he threatened to wrap me up in cling film and set me on fire so nobody would recognise me, I decided this was more serious than ever, he was behaving like an untouchable, which I reported to police at Lewisham police station, but there were no consequences for his behaviour and the rabbit hole just went deeper.

The Other Three…

I was working at a stock brokerage in east London before accepting my role at the P.R company, I had decided to move on for several reasons, the office was unsanitary, there were years of hair grease buildup upon the backs of the office chairs and it had a rat infestation, the scents in the summertime were like dog food, it was horrendous, besides, two members of the team hated my guts, and yes, this was all happening at the same time whilst the incidents with my freemason buddy were taking place.

I understood the dislike from one of the team members, he was competitive, and due to my defensive manner at the time, so was I, but the other guy I couldn’t grasp, he was a bully, and extremely aggressive towards me, he would humiliate me on the train and at work, rejecting any requests from management to include me in the breakfast run, leaving me without at any chance possible, but beneath the surface, I sensed more to him, his traits were very familiar to my Freemason buddy, and so were his mannerisms, he too shared the same bitterness towards me.

I was already waiting for the next opportunity to jump ship, but I had to be careful, we had just entered into a recession, our bonuses had been denied, redundancies were in the pipeline and I had a mortgage to pay, which is why I accepted the position at the P.R company, it was a fixed-term contract of 18 months project work, but just before I changed employers, the bully asks me if I was making the right decision, insinuating there were consequences for leaving if I did, I felt like a slave with limited choices, and finally within the final month of leaving he shapeshifts his entire face when no one is available and with his back to the office CCTV camera, this was his final act of intimidation and forewarning, but this made the most sense to me! And in likeness, he too was a serpent-like reptilian, the other employee, he was just a competitive worker with a sporting personality, I understood him, but the bully, more so after shapeshifting.

I start my new position at the P.R company and to no surprise, it’s off to a shitty welcome, I join the same week as their Christmas party, which I’m invited to attend, the party was lunch hosted at the pizza on the park restaurant, before moving onto the winter wonderland where I meet Jade Goody, but the finance director was reluctant to accept me at the table and begrudges me his approval to be there, humiliating me and advising my manager, you can get him something to eat, if you must.

I came so close to quitting on the spot, I should have done so too, but I had a mortgage and bills to pay, the rest is history, but during that same week on the train towards Hammersmith, a guy aboard the carriage dressed in a long dark winter coat with a very professional and sophisticated appearance begins to stare at me piercingly, I acknowledge him and then look away, but he continues to stare, I don’t know who this man was, so I turn to look again, I didn’t witness the shapeshift in progress this time, but when I turn to indicate I am uncomfortable with his constant staring, I see his eyes are completely black! I was gobsmacked, and in return, he gives me the biggest and most unpleasant grin! The carriage had passengers on board too, I didn’t acknowledge anyone else’s reactions, I instantly looked at the floor for the remainder of the journey.

My final encounter with a shapeshifter was before my redundancy, and then subsequently my homelessness, however, the approach was different this time, this guy showed compassion and provided me with some knowledge, I enjoyed his company.

On this occasion, we were in the office, I was listening to him talk when I turn and look at this face, he was sat to my right and I had a window to my left, we were working on the top floors of the Citigroup tower in canary wharf, as I turn to him, both of his irises had turned emerald green! Looking into his eyes was like looking into a Green emerald nebula but with no scales around his eyes, they were so magnificent I was in awe, I stared for quite a while and at a close distance too before looking away, when I did return my gaze upon him, his eyes had returned to normal, but this was such a beautiful thing to witness, he was even bold enough to tell me his purpose for being at the company was to help me find my way, but not to support me when outside of work, at the time, I wasn’t sure why he felt the need to tell me this.

A day or so later as he was talking business to me I wasn’t focusing on what he had to say, instead, I found myself looking deep into his eyes, I wanted to see the Emerald green nebulae again, but he soon realised this, paused talking and then said, “You Know” this was his confirmation and indication that he wouldn’t be doing it again, this was the final time I ever witnessed shapeshifting, this occurred in 2011.

I’m sure you will agree, after experiencing such shocking events there would have been something wrong with me, and there was, before my business trip to Miami, my heart had nothing more to give, it was the darkest part of my unhappy existence. I had knowledge, but no wisdom, I felt so alone knowing the things I had witnessed and experienced, my friends didn’t believe me either, I remained a challenged soul without resolution.

YouTube Videos:

Singer Billy Corgan: Shapeshifter Witness (Ridiculed)

Billy Corgan – The Smashing Pumpkins

More Links

The Reptilian Alien Gods: Ancient Sumer

Dogon and Shannon Dorey

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