As an experienced lucid dreamer, I find myself completely aware of my dreams, understanding that I am in a different state of consciousness or perhaps even a different time. I can question my surroundings rationally and react with shock without waking my physical body. Although I cannot choose when to wake up, one specific dream remains incredibly vivid, and I feel compelled to share it.
In most of my dreams, I don’t know how I arrived there. I just become conscious and self-aware in a given situation, which I recognise as distinct from my “normal” reality. One dream, in particular, served as a catalyst for my interest in ancient civilisations, especially those of South America – a topic I had never encountered in school.
In this dream, I found myself standing on one of three platforms. The centre platform was slightly higher, and I sensed another one at the same height as mine on the opposite side. I could see someone standing to my left on the raised centre platform, dressed in white lace with fair skin and delicate hands. However, whenever I tried to look at her face, my gaze would be forced downward or to the side.
As I faced forward, I saw a group of Native American men wearing Incan tribal attire, standing on a grassy ledge below us with a forest in the background. The vibrant green grass, rich brown mud, and the men’s healthy appearance reminded me of the Spanish conquistadors’ descriptions of the New World as a paradise on earth. The bold colours and artistry of their culture harmonised with their surroundings.
I soon realized that the men were waiting for me to select one of them. After examining each candidate, I chose a strong, well-built man who I sensed had worked hard for this opportunity. I announced my selection to the mysterious figure on my left, who then threw a quartz crystal spear at the man, piercing his right shoulder. To my surprise, the man showed no pain or surprise. Instead, he broke off a part of the spear to form a small quartz knife and proceeded to cut his own throat.

As I watched in shock, his spirit seemed to flow into my consciousness as I absorbed it. I then awoke, and subsequent dreams seemed to revolve around the knowledge and rituals the man had practised in preparation for his sacrifice.
In one such dream, I found myself in a cave with water holes, tormenting three people who tried to capture me. I assumed the form of a fish and hid in one of the water holes. The people eventually lured me out and captured me, after which I awoke. Later, I learned that caves were sacred spaces used for performing or rehearsing rituals related to the underworld.
I don’t know why I was chosen to be in these dreams, but I believe I was meant to fulfil my role as the fish, symbolising the capture of a malevolent spirit. These experiences led me to explore various books on ancient South American civilizations, which I highly recommend:
Growing Up in Inca Times
The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls
Further Reading: Archaeology Dig in Spain yields prehistoric crystal weapons